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Career Connection

Let MAME assist with your workforce development challenges!three people training session workforce

A core element in MAME’s mission is leveraging its network of members and industry partners to help Maine’s manufacturers grow. Nowhere is that mission more relevant than in the area of workforce development. The Manufacturers Association has long been known for our networking functions and industry tours. More recently, our greatest impact has been with members who simply needed help with their recruitment and retention practices.

MAME is dedicated to helping Maine’s manufacturing entrepreneurs find the talent they need to stay competitive and build sustainable pipelines for the future.

Our Employer Growth Services team IS the workforce arm of MAME! Our team of data analysts, marketing specialists, and workforce practitioners is highly skilled and excited to assist with your particular challenges.

Beyond helping individual members with their workforce issues, the Manufacturers Association collaborates with local, state, and national organizations to stay on top of current issues. With our partners, we determine how best to gather resources that could be applicable to the challenges in Maine. These efforts include:

  • Collaborating with the Department of Labor to streamline the development process for apprenticeships in manufacturing.
  • Developing internships for young people to explore manufacturing as a career.
  • Marketing Maine’s unique and high performing manufacturers as possible destinations for anyone considering a career in manufacturing.

All of these initiatives serve the MAME mission to advocate for manufacturing as a highly rewarding career – IN MAINE – for young people.

Manufacturing Month… all year long!

October is Manufacturing Month in Maine and across the US. MAME typically kicks off the month with a series of manufacturing tours as part of MFG DAY. We then wrap up the month with another signature networking event, our Annual Meeting, which celebrates both manufacturing and the Maine entrepreneurs that make up our ecosystem.